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  • Writer's pictureStefannie 🦋

Rudiments of buying gifts

Gifts often hold emotional value.

Gift giving is a love language and it should come from the heart.

There are different reasons as to why we buy gifts for the ones we love.

It may be out of affection, appreciation, to remedy a situation, to reflect the care someone has shown you or for an anniversary .

It is a good way of strengthening relationships. It is also a good way to show the other person how much you care for him or her. You don’t need to wait for an occasion in order to give a gift.


Financial abuse is an all-too-real form of domestic abuse. Sometimes, your ''significant other'' gives you a lot of gifts just to render you dependent and have an edge over you. The financial manipulator can be a man or a woman, but in most cases it's the men as they are the bread winner of most families.

Here's a story, I have a friend, whose man always spoiled her with gifts. He bought her a car and opened a store where she sold cosmetics and lots more. Along the line, in her relationship she began to notice that she never had a say, she couldn't be herself anymore, she couldn't question his actions.

He had used his money and gifts to keep her in place and control her freedom .

Whenever they fought or argued, it was expected of her to be silent and attentive. One day they got into a huge argument and she couldn't take it anymore so she told him that he had to change his attitude or he'd lose her. Guess what? He laughed. ''Lose you ?'', he said. ''After all i have done and bought for you?'' That statement was improper and ill-suited. It made me wonder if all his good deeds were out of love?

Were they just to keep her forever be in his debt or merely out of pity?

The rate at which we attach value to material things is quite alarming. What counts is the love, time spent and memories made, right? People lay a lot of emphasis on material things in relationships rather than focusing on the most important thing - LOVE.

Dear girls earn your own money. You will get a lot more freedom to do what you want, buy what you need and pursue you dreams.



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